Why So Few ICC Opinions?
In 2022, the ICC Banking Commission began handling and discussing ICC Opinions on a quarterly basis instead of on a
DCW wishes to recognize my retirement as a lawyer after 50+ years, all with Baker & McKenzie1 and including 30+ years working on letter of credit law/practice papers and projects in collaboration with DCW’s founder, Professor James E. Byrne.
Here I wish to recognize that collaboration, briefly summarized in my In Memoriam to Jim Byrne published in the Fall 2018 BUSINESS LAWYER and chronicled in my article, Internationalization of Revised UCC Article 5 (Letters of Credit), 16 NW. J. Int’l. L. & Bus. 215 (1995), in which I named the LC bankers and lawyers who so helpfully participated in UCC Article 5 revision. And to remind DCW readers of the infrastructure that Jim Byrne built with many of the banker and lawyer names listed on page 2 [the DCW Editorial Advisory Board] of DCW and others who have contributed to DCW and IIBLP conferences and papers.
That infrastructure (particularly IIBLP) embodies Jim Byrne’s push to mind-meld LC lawyers and bankers on LC law/practice topics, initially when forming the Task Force that preceded the 1990s’ revision of UCC Article 5. Thereafter, it drove the drafting of ISP98, official comments, annotated standby forms, and regular programs and papers on standby topics. I am immensely proud of my initial and continuing collaboration with Jim and so many lawyers and bankers focused, in particular, on ISP98.
Jim Byrne and I co-wrote a number of law review articles, court briefs, comments on draft regulations, and other papers. In recent BUSINESS LAWYER annual surveys on LC cases and developments,2 Carter Klein has replaced Jim Byrne and will replace me on the next one. So, Jim Byrne’s legacy continues.
I have teased DCW with the possibility I might write a bit of the history on my collaborations with Jim Byrne (and Boris Kozolchyk) at UNCITRAL, and maybe the ICC Banking Commission too.
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