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ISP98 Model Form 6 is a template for a Model Counter Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) with Annexed Form of Local Bank Undertaking
ISP98 Model Form 6 is a template for a Model Counter Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) with Annexed Form of Local Bank Undertaking
The download links below offer a fillable Word file that can be edited, copied, or modified as you want for use in your systems. The second item also has the template, but includes explanations and annotations to aid the specialist to understand how to use this Form.
Further explanation of this Form is available at the bottom of this page.
[name and address of beneficiary]
[date of issuance]
At the request and for the account of [name and address of applicant] (“Applicant”),[[1]] we [name and address of issuer at place of issuance] (“Issuer”) issue this irrevocable standby letter of credit number [reference number] (“Standby”) in favour of [name and address of beneficiary] (“Beneficiary”)[[2]] in the maximum aggregate amount of [currency/amount].
Counter Standby:
This is a counter standby[[3]] letter of credit supporting Beneficiary’s issuance of its separate [local bank] undertaking[[4]] in the form of the Annexed Local Undertaking[[5]] [ to be issued on or before [date]].[[6]]
Issuer undertakes to Beneficiary to pay Beneficiary’s demand that includes[[7]] Beneficiary’s statement[[8]] that Beneficiary issued its Local Undertaking as provided in the Counter Standby and has received [and honoured] a complying demand under its Local Undertaking in the amount hereby demanded from Issuer, if Beneficiary’s demand is presented to Issuer on or before the expiration date either as an originally signed paper document at Issuer’s above-stated address or as an authenticated SWIFT message sent to Issuer’s SWIFT address [SWIFT code] from Beneficiary’s SWIFT address [SWIFT code].[[9]]
The expiration date of this Standby is [date].[[10]]
Payment against a complying presentation shall be made within three business days after presentation at the place for presentation or by wire transfer to a duly requested account of Beneficiary.
This Standby is issued subject to the International Standby Practices 1998 (ISP98) (International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 590).[[11]]
[Issuer’s name]
[Name of Authorized Signer]
[Title of Authorized Signer]
[insert date]
[name and address of person indicated in counter standby as the intended local beneficiary of the local bank undertaking]
On the application of [counter standby applicant’s name and address], [counter standby issuer’s name and address] has issued to us a standby letter of credit supporting our issuance of this undertaking to you.
We, [name and address of local bank], issue in your favour our [standby letter of credit] [guarantee] [undertaking] No. [INSERT REFERENCE NUMBER] in the amount of [currency/amount] payable against your demand for payment presented on or before [date] to us at [address of place for presentation], that identifies this undertaking, states the amount demanded, and includes your certificate that the amount demanded is due to you from [counter standby applicant’s name] under [numbered agreement sections or identified obligations to perform bid, bonding, delivery, warranty or other obligation or to account for advance payments received of] your agreement titled [agreement title] and dated [date].[[12]]
Our undertaking is subject to the International Standby Practices 1998 (ISP98) (ICC Publication No. 590).[[13]]
[local bank issuer's name]
By its authorized officer:
[Name of Authorized Signer]
[Title of Authorized Signer]
Produced by the Institute of International Banking Law & Practice, the ISP98 Model Forms are designed to help standby users, including their regulators, to develop sound, workable, and appropriate texts for standbys in light of specialized standby practices and laws worldwide and can also be used for demand guarantees subject to ISP98.
These forms are fillable, editable, and ready to use.
See All ISP98 Model Forms
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Copyright © 2024 by the Institute of International Banking Law & Practice, Inc., (“IIBLP”). Unlimited permission is hereby granted to copy and use this ISP98 form, including endnotes, for all purposes except publication for a charge to a purchaser or subscriber.
This ISP98 Form 6 is a model form for a commonly used type of standby. As described in the Preface to ISP98, a “Counter Standby” supports the issuance of a separate standby or other undertaking by the beneficiary of the counter standby. The beneficiary of a counter-standby is typically another bank familiar with acting as a standby beneficiary and issuer and doing so by receiving and sending authenticated SWIFT messages as well as paper documents. Most counter standbys are issued as inter-bank authenticated SWIFT messages, and this ISP98 Form 6 could b adapted to a SWIFT message format.
The annexed form of local bank undertaking is also an ISP98 standby, but it could take many other forms. The local undertaking to be annexed to a counter standby should reflect the input of the local bank and local beneficiary, as well as the counter standby issuer and its applicant.
The endnotes to this ISP98 Form 6 refer to ISP98 rules of particular relevance to counter standbys. See the endnotes to ISP98 Form 1 for explanation of wording that is common to ISP98 Forms 6 and 1 and for alternative and optional wording.
A standby that provides for confirmation by another bank serves substantially the same purpose as a counter standby that supports another bank’s local undertaking. Either type of standby can be worded to reduce or expand the differences between the two under ISP98. See the ISP98 Form 7 Model Standby Providing for Confirmation for an alternative to this Form 6 Model Counter Standby with Annexed Form of Local Bank Undertaking.
This form is published for educational purposes and not as legal or professional advice. Potential users should consult with their own advisers in the drafting or use of a standby letter of credit. ISP98 and letter of credit educational and training materials, including The Official Commentary on the International Standby Practices containing official interpretations of ISP98, are available from IIBLP at a cost, or free to DCW subscribers.
[[1]]: Applicant. The applicant for a counter standby typically has a “bid”, “performance”, “advance payment”, or other such obligation to a distant contracting party that must be supported by a local bank standby, guarantee, bond, or other undertaking. The applicant for the counter standby applies to its bank for issuance of a counter standby in order to meet the requirements of a local bank for an assured right of incoming payment in case the local bank must honour its local undertaking.
[[2]]: Beneficiary. The beneficiary named in a counter standby (like the issuer of the counter standby) is typically a bank that, on the basis of the counter standby, issues its own local bank standby, guarantee, bond, or other undertaking. The references in this model form and endnotes to “local bank” and “local bank undertaking” (and to “local undertaking” and “local beneficiary”) are for convenience in distinguishing the two different undertakings and the two different sets of issuers and beneficiaries involved in counter standby practice. The beneficiary of the counter standby need not be a bank. Its status as a non-bank might affect the nature of its local undertaking, but should not affect the independence of the counter standby under ISP98.
[[3]]: Counter standby name. While this model form is named a “counter standby”, the name is not determinative of its character as an undertaking within the scope of ISP98 or as an independent undertaking under applicable law. As noted in the ISP98 Preface, categorizing standbys based on the type of underlying transaction does not affect the application of the ISP98 Rules.
[[4]]: Request for local bank undertaking. This counter standby form assumes, but does not itself request, issuance by the beneficiary of a separate undertaking. ISP98 Rule 8.02 (Charges for Fees and Costs) obligates an issuer to pay the reasonable and customary fees and expenses of a beneficiary requested by the issuer to issue a separate undertaking, if otherwise unrecovered and unrecoverable. Accordingly, it may be desirable to clarify in the counter standby whether and to what extent the counter standby issuer must pay such fees and expenses.
ISP98 Rule 4.21(a) (Request to Issue Separate Undertaking) provides that a beneficiary of a counter standby receives no rights “other than its rights to draw under the standby even if the issuer pays a fee to the beneficiary for issuing the separate undertaking.”
[[5]]: Form of local bank undertaking. The local bank undertaking may be a standby letter of credit, independent guarantee, dependent guaranty, bond, or contractual promise. This model form of counter standby specifies by annex the type and terms of the local bank undertaking.
[[6]]: Delivery of local undertaking. If the local bank undertaking is to be delivered to the applicant’s representative, then details for such delivery (and the effect of non-delivery or return of the local bank undertaking) should be added to the counter standby.
If it is desired that issuance of the counter standby be deferred until the local bank undertaking is issued, then ISP98 Rules 2.03 (Conditions to Issuance) and 4.11 (Non-Documentary Terms or Conditions) should be consulted. These same rules should be consulted if it is desired that issuance of the counter standby be deferred until an advance payment is actually made to the applicant for the counter standby.
[[7]]: Unstated requirements for demand. The word “includes” signals that there are unstated requirements for a complying demand, i.e., the demand must also include a date and identification of the counter standby. See ISP98 Form 1, endnote 10, and ISP98 Form 5, endnote 3.
[[8]]: Statements. Beneficiary statements included in a counter standby form of demand are sometimes limited to the beneficiary’s issuance of the requested local bank undertaking, receipt of a complying demand for payment thereunder, and incurrence of an absolute obligation to pay. Beneficiary statements under a counter standby sometimes also recite that payment has been made under the local bank undertaking (in which case the counter standby may provide for same day payment or payment with value from the date the beneficiary states that it funded its local undertaking).
If a counter standby requires presentation of (a copy of) the local bank undertaking issued or of the demand received under the local bank undertaking, then the standby text should state whether and how such documents are to be examined by the counter standby issuer. If a counter standby does not require their presentation but such documents are nonetheless presented under the counter standby, then ISP98 Rule 4.21(c) (Request to Issue Separate Undertaking) provides that the issuer of the counter standby “shall disregard their compliance or consistency with the standby, with the beneficiary’s demand under the standby, or with the beneficiary’s separate undertaking” and may return or forward any such documents.
Beneficiary statements typically are made to the issuer of the counter standby (bank to bank) and not to the applicant for the counter standby. They typically do not include representations as to whether the applicant is obligated in any underlying transaction. In this regard it is assumed that the documentation for the transaction underlying a local bank undertaking will adequately establish the applicant’s contractual obligations to provide a local bank undertaking and the applicant’s contractual rights and remedies in case of a disputed drawing or a disputed use of proceeds from a drawing.
If a counter standby provides that it may be it terminated on advance notice given by the issuer, then the required form of beneficiary statement should permit the local bank beneficiary to demand payment under the counter standby and hold the proceeds as security against a possible future drawing under its local bank undertaking. See ISP98 Form 2 for model wording and alternative and optional wording for automatic extension and for demand following a notice of non-extension.
[[9]]: Presentation via SWIFT. This counter standby form expressly permits presentation of a demand via authenticated inter-bank SWIFT message. ISP98 Rule 3.06 (Complying Medium of Presentation) permits such presentations without express wording in the standby as between SWIFT bank members.
[[10]]: Expiration. The terms of a counter standby and of a local bank undertaking should be drafted in light of the terms of the underlying obligation and should address the possibility that the counter standby or the local bank undertaking or both may expire prematurely relative to the underlying transaction.
ISP98 Rule 3.09 (Extend or Pay), while not specific to counter standbys, addresses a practice that is particularly associated with demands made under counter standbys. Typically the beneficiary of a counter standby issues a local undertaking that will expire several days before the counter standby will expire. If the counter standby issuer does not timely affirmatively extend its counter standby, then the local bank beneficiary of the counter standby may make a so-called “extend or pay” demand before the counter standby will expire. Under this ISP98 rule, an issuer examines any “extend or pay” demand for compliance as a demand for payment and, whether or not the demand complies, treats the demand as separately requesting an amendment extending the counter standby. See ISP98 Form 2, endnote 13.
Some counter standbys provide for automatic extension with a right to terminate a future automatic extension by giving advance notice. In such cases particularly, the counter standby and local bank undertaking should be aligned so that the local bank beneficiary may demand payment whenever the counter standby is about to expire before the local bank undertaking will expire. See endnote 8 to this ISP98 Form 6
[[11]]: Choice of law; choice of forum. A counter standby may usefully include a choice-of-law and choice-of-forum clause. A choice of law or forum or both in a counter standby would apply to the standby issuer’s obligations and not to the obligations of the local bank beneficiary under its separate undertaking. See ISP98 Form 1, endnote 19, on law/forum clauses, including the availability of arbitration under the ICLOCA rules.
[[12]]: Certificate. The certificate may be included in the demand made under this form of local bank undertaking. If in separate documents, the certificate, as well as the demand, should be dated and signed. See ISP98 Rules 4.07 (Required Signature on a Document), 4.12 (Formality of Statements in Documents), 4.16 (Demand for Payment), and 4.17 (Statement of Default or Other Drawing Event).
[[13]]: Incorporation of ISP98. This form of local bank undertaking states that it is subject to ISP98. ISP98 is available for use in any country that will enforce letters of credit and demand guarantees independently of the issuer’s reimbursement rights and the beneficiary’s rights in the underlying transaction.
Issuance of a counter standby subject to ISP98 does not require that the local bank undertaking also be issued subject to ISP98 (or by a bank). Unless an ISP98 counter standby otherwise states, the local bank undertaking could be issued as an independent undertaking subject to ISP98 or to other rules or to no rules, or it could be issued as a dependent undertaking. Similarly, the local bank undertaking could be issued subject to law other than the law applicable to an ISP98 counter standby or to any underlying transaction.
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