In a Word, Absurd

Seeking monetary damages of “$800.00 billion dollars” plus “$300 billion cash down payment for 20 years guarantee on 705 letters of credit”, pro se plaintiff James P. Mhina brought, among others, claims for “breached fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, [and] breach of contract.” against 14 defendants including Citizens Bank, N.A., Bank of America, N.A., Key Bank, N.A., named officials of those banks, the City of Syracuse (New York), and two Syracuse City police detectives.

Among the allegations contained in his complaint, Mhina contended that defendants “violated their fiduciary duty and contracts” “to collect [his] 705 letters of credit very valuable, 20 years guarantee and $300.00 billion cash that [his] business associate had sent as down payment for the 20 years guarantee.” Mhina also alleged that defendants violated his Fourteenth Amendment due process rights and further maintained that they conspired to bring “unfounded criminal charges by using wrong law and irrelevant evidence” in violation of his rights.

In Mhina v. Citizens Bank, NA, Judge Brenda K. Sannes of the US District Court, Northern District of New York, granted the three motions to dismiss filed by defendants and denied plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment.

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